
Showing posts from February, 2016

How to install template on blogger step by step

Table of Contents Installation Add Social Links Upload Logo Setting up the menu Setting up the News ticker Flicker Image Enable Mobile Template Enable Full Feed Enable Search Preference Author Description Installation  -  top Now you have Mini Mag Blogger Template. You Can Follow This Steps To Upload Your Blogger Template To Blogger Platform. First Login to your Blogger DashBoard by Using Your Google Username And Password from  Here . Then follow these steps: 1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template. 2. Click Backup/Restore button (Top Right). 3. Click Choose ( Browse..) File button. Find where the “Mini Mag-Blogger-Template.xml” file location. 4. Then Click Upload. Note : Before Uploading This Template  Mobile Blogger Template  Must Enable to make Blogger Customize Work Add Social Links  -  top You Can See that sidebar Right side area have Social Icons Collection. To Edit Social Icon in this theme you can follow this step: Si...

How to Make Money With Google AdSense

What Is AdSense?Many newbies always wonder and frequently ask this question. So what is AdSense?It is a program that was launched by Google Incin 2003 to help share advertising revenue with web publishers like you. Though Google AdSense is not a get-rich-quick program, it is the best way to monetize your website traffic.Google like any other online business, makes a huge chunk of its money through advertising. Advertising revenues run into billions of dollars each year worldwide.If you look at any Google search results, you will see searches with different dull backgrounds showing at the top and left sides. These are the ads by advertisers on Google. Each time a person clicks on the ads, Google earns money.Now Google also allows you to show these ads on your website pages and when someone clicks on them you earn some money from the clicks. To show these ads on your site, Google has created a program to help you show these ads and earn from them. This program is what is known as A...

How To Make Money From Google AdSense

Are you looking to earn passive income online? Do you want to work part-time online & pay your mobile & other utility bills? If your answer is yes, this will change your life from here!Working online has become a lifestyle lately & like you, millions desire to do the same. The interesting fact is; countless users are making a living out of income online. If you have tried researchingon how people are making money online, I’m sure you must have readabout AdSense few times by now. Ifnot…This is a complete guide for a newbie like youwho wants to work part-time & start earning moneyvia AdSense. By the end of this epic guide, you will have all the required information along with things you need to do tostart earning as soon as possible. So let’s skip the basic intro part & learn how people are making money from AdSense by working online & how you can too. Google AdSenseis a free service offered by Google for publishers to monetize their web content....

Can I Make Money with Google Adsense in YouTube

Before some time you can’t make money without a blog or website using Google Adsense account, But now you can earn, Many people don’t know that now Google giving many platforms for monetization their ads, Before some time it was limited on website but now you can also use Adsense account on YouTube channel, I will show more guide aboutHow to use YouTube to make money, So if you don’t know more about blogging features like, SEO, content writing and many others don’t worry just use YouTube to make money as a part-time.Make money without a blog is very easy, but it’s no more effective, Suppose if you are using YouTube forAdsense then you must need something attractive or viral videos, On the website people easily attract on ads and Adsense working on Pay per click system, But On YouTube people no more attracting on Ads, So trying to share viral video and get more impressions.What is Google Adsense?Adsense is the world biggest Advertising program which run ...

What is AdSense

AdSense is perhaps the most popular way to make money online but is it for real? Can you still make money with AdSense? Can you make a living out of AdSense?  I will try and give you honest answers based on my experiences as an AdSense user butalso examples from successful websitesthat are using AdSense.What is Google AdSense?The majority of Internet users are probably aware of Google AdSense butfor the sake of keeping beginners up-to-date here is a quick overview about the program and major benefits:*.It is own by Google*.It’s a major sourceof income for Google (On 2012 Q3 earnings from AdSense was$3.13 billion which represents around 27% of Google’s revenue)*.It is free for publi shers*.Advertisers use the Adwords program to advertise their products or services on AdSense websites.They only pay when someone clicks on their ads (PPC – Pay per click)*.Publishers receive 68% of the revenueand Google 32%. For example if an advertiser pays $1 for a click then 68 c...

Love Sayari

गम की नजर से देखिए, दिल के असर से देखिए है अश्क भी एक लाल रंग, खूने-जिगर से देखिए तैराक भी कितने यहाँ प्यासे ही मर गए संसार की नदी में भी जरा निकल के देखिए खुशबू से भींग जाएगी, नाज़ुक सी उंगलियाँ मेरे दिए गुलाब को आप मसल के देखिए ये हुस्न देखकर ही तो वो चाँद परेशान है वो जल रहा है आपसे, अपने ही छत से देखिए चाँद आया है फलक पे सूरज की जगह हो गई अब ये धरती रहने की जगह भीड़ लग जाती है दरिया पे अब शामों में कहाँ ढूँढेगी ये तन्हाई बैठने की जगह ईँट पत्थर के जंगलों में भटकती चिड़िया जाने किस पेड़ पे है बाकी रहने की जगह सो रहे हैं सभी लोग इस बस्ती में जागता है कोई दर्द ही सोने की जगह चाँद बदन को चूम रहा है, दरिया गुमसुम लेटी है पंखा झलती है हवाएँ, हलचल थोड़ी होती ह ै बादलों की छत से सितारे, देख रहे हैं आँखे फाड़े बैठ गगन भी सोच रहा है, धरती सुंदर लगती है आज भी परदेश गया है, सूरज शाम की गाड़ी से दिन के रथ पे बैठके फिर से रात की रानी आई है वक़्त का पहरा हुआ ढीला,उसने पी ली इश्क की बोतल मौसम भी आजाद हुआ है, मिलन की खुशबू उड़ती है जान देने के सिवा एक और चारा है इस जु...

GK in Hindi

1 निम्नलिखित देशों के बीच जो हाल ही में, बढ़ने बेचने और मारिजुआना (दवा) का उपभोग करने के लिए इसे कानूनी बनाने के लिए दुनिया का पहला देश बन गया है?  A. उरुग्वे  B. नाइजीरिया  C. तंजानिया  D. इसराइल उत्तर देखे 2 कर्नाटक में संदुर निम्नलिखित अयस्कों की जिनमें से जमा करने के लिए जाना जाता है?  A. मैंगनीज और लौह  B. आयरन और गोल्ड  C. मैंगनीज और कॉपर  D. मैंगनीज और अल्युमीनियम उत्तर देखे 3 वर्ष 2013 के लिए बीसीसीआई का लाइफटाइम अचीवमेंट पुरस्कार upon___ प्रदत्त किया जाएगा?  A. मोहम्मद अजहरुद्दीन  B. कपिल देव  C. सुनील गावस्कर  D. सचिन तेंदुलकर उत्तर देखे 4 जो भारत ने हाल ही में सुपर हरक्यूलिस विमानों के लिए करार किया है निम्नलिखित देशों में से एक के साथ?  A. जापान  B. अमरीका  C. रूस  D. इटली उत्तर देखे 5 निम्नलिखित में से किसने अल ऐन क्लासिक इंटरनेशनल ओपन शतरंज टूर्नामेंट जीत लिया है?  A. अभिजीत गुप्ता  B. बादुर जोबावा  C. मुरली कार्तिकेयन  D. गिरीश कौशिक उत्...